Sorelle su Marte a Carrara

Carrara: a journey through the millenary history of marble

A journey into the millennial history of marble conducted by Laura and Valentina Ciarallo the two famous bloggers of “Sorelle su Marte”. Laura, professional journalist, since 1996 in the editorial staff of Tg5, currently Deputy Editor of Economy, graduated in Piano at the Conservatory, graduated in Literature with a musical address. Valentina, art historian, for…

Del contemporaneo mudaC Carrara

“Del contemporaneo” review at mudaC

Waiting for the reopening of the mudaC – museum of the arts Carrara, which will see a new rearrangement of the museum collections, from January 8 to March 26, 2021 is scheduled the exhibition “Del contemporaneo. Linguaggi, pratiche e fenomeni dell’arte del XXI secolo” (“About the Contemporary. Languages, practices and phenomena of 21st century art”)…